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Pivot’s 2023 ESG Report Highlights

By: Pivot Energy

June 25, 2024

At Pivot Energy, our robust Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) framework permeates every inch of our business and company culture – it’s an investment in who we are and contributes to our success as a leader in socially impactful and environmentally responsible solar development.

In 2023, we re-certified as a Benefit Corporation and designed a multi-year ESG roadmap that lays out the categories and actions we will pursue as we grow and evolve as a purpose-driven company. As we continue on our quest to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and improve the communities within which we operate, we invite everyone to review the details of our strategy in this comprehensive report.

Click to download our 2023 ESG Report, or keep scrolling to see a few of our top achievements from the past year.

Reducing GHG Emissions and Waste

Environmental Initiatives

In a world where climate change poses an unprecedented threat, businesses must take decisive action to reduce carbon emissions and embrace sustainable practices. This year, we reinforced our commitment to driving meaningful change in the renewable energy industry by joining the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) and setting science-based targets. In line with the Paris Agreement, we will reduce our Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions by 42% by 2030 from a 2021 base year, while measuring and reducing all Scope 3 emissions.

To achieve our decarbonization goals, our employee-led Environmental (E) Committee is collaborating with consultants to calculate and address all emissions throughout our operations and supply chain. In 2023, we found suppliers who already track their Scope 1 and 2 emissions, which will enable a deeper level of granularity and accuracy in measuring our Scope 3 emissions.

Furthermore, our E Committee organized several educational events to engage employees in a variety of environmental issues, aimed at improving overall efficiency and reducing waste. Through providing educational resources, hosting “Lunch N’ Learns”, and easy access to recycling hard-to-recycle items through Ridwell Recycling, we are all taking the necessary steps to becoming a zero waste company.

For a more detailed analysis of our GHG Inventory, ESG Roadmap to net zero, and other environmental initiatives, download the full report.

Reinforcing Internal Culture

Internal Social Initiatives

Our highly engaged and committed staff is continuously evaluating our internal operations, looking for ways to lessen our environmental footprint and build an inclusive culture that drives impact through volunteerism and service. With this highly collaborative and employee-driven approach to realizing ESG principles, we aim to elevate employee satisfaction and engagement across the firm.

Last year, we launched Employee Resource Groups (ERGs). ERGs provide employees a space to connect, grow, and drive new initiatives – including community building, networking, volunteering, and driving education and training around diversity and inclusion. Here are the current list of Pivot ERGs:

  • Thrive Collective  – Fostering networking, professional development, mentorship, and leadership opportunities for people of color at Pivot.
  • Women at Pivot – Empowering women at Pivot to succeed through networking, professional development, mentorship, and leadership opportunities.
  • Pride  – Cultivating a dedicated space of connection between LGBTQ+ employees and supporting Pivot Energy’s efforts of building inclusive culture through recruitment, education, and policy implementation.
  • Allies – Taking intentional action and becoming collaborators who counteract injustice and facilitate equity in the workplace.

This initiative has already proven to be an overwhelming success, and we all look forward to seeing how these communities develop over the years.

To learn more about ERGs and how these communities are already driving a cultural shift at Pivot, download the full report.

Volunteering and Community Impact Initiatives

External Social Initiatives

We are deeply proud of the widespread impact that all Pivot employees have on the communities within which we operate. Our team volunteered nearly 1000 hours this year and donated tens of thousands of dollars to approximately 150 different non-profits. As a company, we’ve made a significant commitment to community donations across all projects we develop, resulting in approximately $400,000 of donations in 2023 and millions more committed in years to come. 


Additionally, we’re developing a 41 MW portfolio of community solar gardens in Colorado that are 100% dedicated to reducing bills for low-income households; the first of these gardens came online in 2023, kicking off an expected $150 million or more in energy savings for residents over the next 20 years.


To learn more about Pivot programs that encourage community engagement, read the full report.

Holding Ourselves Publicly Accountable

Governance Initiatives

We initially became a Certified B Corporation (B Corp) in 2013, transforming how we evaluate our impact. The B Corp Impact Assessment gives measurement and verification to our goals and serves as a valuable tool to compare ourselves against other B Corps to see where we can improve.

Last year, we recertified as a Benefit Corporation ensuring we maintain a balanced approach to achieving our ESG goals that will maximize positive impacts on our employees, community, and the environment. With a 22% increase in total score over our 2019 assessment, our updated Impact Assessment illuminates our dedication to increasing our positive impact year over year.

In 2023, our company achieved Silver-level recognition of the Solar Energy Industry Association’s (SEIA) Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Justice (DEIJ) certification program. The certification program evaluates the maturity of a company’s operational DEIJ strategy and measurable outcomes. Pivot is one of only 11 SEIA members to be recognized with a Silver-level certification.

To learn more about the steps Pivot took in 2023 to improve DEIJ efforts, download the full report.

Need Help Developing Your Own ESG Strategy?

Compiling and sharing this comprehensive report on our ESG initiatives is more important than simply sharing a laundry list of our achievements. This is a call to action – an invitation to join us in creating a more sustainable economy and future. At Pivot, we believe that a successful business must also benefit the world and the communities in which we operate; otherwise, the success will not be long-term or sustainable. 

Please do not hesitate to reach out should you wish to discuss how Pivot can assist you in setting and achieving your company’s 2024 ESG goals.

Pivot Energy

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