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B Corp

Pivot Energy invests in PRIDE of Ticonderoga with $5K

March 24, 2023

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Pivot Energy invests in PRIDE of Ticonderoga with $5K

Pivot Energy invests in PRIDE of Ticonderoga with $5K. This donation will be used to support energy efficiency for low-income residents.

By: Pivot Energy

March 24, 2023

B Corp Month: We Go Beyond

How do businesses implement an effective ESG strategy? Pivot sheds light on the many cultural and economic benefits.

By: Pivot Energy

March 24, 2023

The Business Benefits of Rooftop Community Solar

Don’t let a perfectly good roof go to waste! Installing a rooftop community solar farm will provide your business with a new revenue stream and more customers while helping locals access cheaper clean energy.

By: Pivot Energy

March 14, 2023

Pivot’s 2022 ESG Report Highlights

Pivot Energy shares their top ESG achievements from the past year, including how they are uncovering better, more sustainable, and more holistic ways of conducting business.

By: Pivot Energy

March 9, 2023

SRECs and the Future REC Market

Pivot Energy explains the nuances between SRECs and RECs, helping corporations to navigate the evolving carbon offset markets and establish an optimal energy transition strategy.

By: Pivot Energy

February 28, 2023

Fixing Electric Grids: How Solar Developers Benefit Local Utility Customers

Many renewable energy developers are stepping up and covering the costs of critical grid upgrades.

By: Pivot Energy

February 2, 2023

Extra Space Storage’s Solar Portfolio With Pivot Energy to Surpass 15 Megawatt Milestone

National renewable energy provider, Pivot Energy, is set to install nine additional rooftop solar systems on Extra Space Storage facilities, adding 946.8 kilowatts of capacity to an expansive renewable energy portfolio that now totals 15 megawatts.

By: Pivot Energy

January 24, 2023

Not All Offsets Are Evil: Achieving Net-Zero Emissions

Keep reading to learn more about how corporations can leverage another type of GHG reduction solution, funding renewable projects, to counteract their emissions in the short- and medium-term, as they work towards reaching their long-term goals for directly eliminating GHG emissions from their operations.

By: Pivot Energy

January 11, 2023

Additionality: a Key Piece of the Net Zero Puzzle

Discover the importance of additionality in achieving net zero emissions. Explore its significance, assessment, and impact on mitigating climate change.

By: Pivot Energy

January 4, 2023

Where To Build Solar: Working With Locals and Landowners

A solar lease provides landowners with a steady source of income for decades while protecting them from the variability and unpredictability that often comes with agricultural and other applications.

By: Pivot Energy

December 22, 2022

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