Pivot Energy Blog

Harnessing Virtual Net Energy Metering for Corporate Decarbonization Goals

Written by Pivot Energy | May 9, 2024 2:00:00 PM

In an era where sustainability efforts are not just appreciated but expected, many corporations are increasingly turning to innovative solutions to meet their decarbonization goals. One strategy gaining momentum is Virtual Net Energy Metering (VNEM), which offers businesses the ability to support renewable energy generation without installing or maintaining equipment on their property.

For those new to this topic, VNEM, or "offsite net metering," allows businesses to install renewable energy systems offsite and benefit from the energy produced via renewable energy certificates (RECs). This setup is ideal for companies lacking space for onsite installations or those operating across multiple leased properties. For those with extremely ambitious emissions reduction targets, VNEM can be paired with onsite solar installations, community solar subscriptions, or other solar procurement strategies. Keep reading to explore the unique landscape of Colorado's VNEM program and the critical timelines to incorporate a VNEM project within your clean energy portfolio.

For a broad understanding of how VNEM projects operate, refer to our previous blog: 

What Is Virtual Net Energy Metering? (Benefits of Net Metering vs. Virtual Net Metering).

VNEM Program Spotlight: Colorado and Xcel Energy

Colorado is currently at the forefront of this initiative, with Xcel Energy leading the charge as one of the first utilities to formalize a robust VNEM program. Relative to other VNEM programs, Xcel’s is particularly advantageous as it allows the application of energy credits to any property within Xcel Energy’s Colorado service territory, regardless of proximity to the generation source. As other states and utilities consider expanding their own VNEM programs in the coming years, they may see Colorado’s pioneering approach to VNEM as a blueprint for how to expand renewable energy participation across different market segments.

Program Overview and Timeline

The VNEM program in Colorado is highly regulated, with specific project requirements and limited capacity. Each year, Xcel Energy sets a cap on how much solar capacity they will offer through VNEM, requiring companies to apply within a designated window to secure their project. In 2023, Xcel Energy allocated 82 megawatts (MWac) of capacity to the VNEM program through a standard offer, distributed on a first-come, first-served basis. The year's allocation was divided into two phases: the first 41 MWac was made available on June 12, and the remaining 41 MWac was released on September 12, 2023. 

The next application period for Xcel Energy is anticipated to be as early as June 2024. Considering the high demand for these projects, it's crucial that any interested companies act quickly and partner with an experienced solar developer to submit an application through Xcel’s Interconnection Application Portal. It is worth noting that approval is not guaranteed; Xcel reviews each submission to confirm capacity availability and other requirements before proceeding. Specifically, projects must adhere to the following rules:

  • Systems cannot exceed 200% of the expected annual electricity consumption of the customer’s premises within the service territory.
  • For single meter installations, the system size must not exceed 500 kWac.
  • For multi-meter installations, the system must not exceed 300 kWac per meter, but multiple meters owned by the same customer can be rolled up into a larger solar project..

Other Considerations: Understanding Interconnection and REC Options

Prior to installation, renewable energy projects require formal approval via an interconnection agreement, which can require costly upgrades depending on the project's complexity. Moreover, businesses must communicate within the application process whether they intend to retain or sell the project RECs.

Steps to Ensure Your Participation

  1. Reach Out Early: Engage with a renewable energy developer like Pivot Energy to start discussing your needs and options.
  2. Prepare Your Proposal: Our team will assist in crafting a comprehensive proposal that aligns with utility requirements and maximizes the benefits of the VNEM program.
  3. Submit Early: Ensure your solar developer has the information they need to submit your application as soon as the window opens.

Submit a VNEM Application with Pivot Energy

VNEM programs represent a significant opportunity for businesses to advance their sustainability goals while benefiting economically from offsite renewable energy production. With the application deadlines and limited capacity, the time to act is now. By partnering with experienced developers like Pivot Energy, companies can efficiently harness program benefits and contribute to a more sustainable future.

Pivot Energy has demonstrated profound expertise and success in this field, securing over 90% of Xcel Energy’s available program capacity in 2023, nearly 100 MWdc. Pivot provides end-to-end support, from initial consultation through to navigating interconnection rules and system sizing requirements, ensuring a seamless application process.

Reach out today to discuss how VNEM can fit into your sustainability strategy.